In which we pawty like a hurricane

OK so we survived Hurricane Irma. Thank you for asking.
There were scary moments on Monday, of the tropical storm variety. Nothing like what those who rode out hurricane-force winds to the west and south of us, endured.
But still.
Columbia was treated to twenty-four hours of nonstop rain, and high winds that thrashed all day long. Andrew helped put a large plastic tarp on the roof of our added-on sun room when it began leaking wind-driven rain water at the seams.
We were fortunate in that when our power winked out, it stayed out for less than an hour. No sooner had I lit the utility candles than it was time to extinguish them.
But we lost our beautiful mature Dogwood. TG discovered it uprooted, lying with its branches and already-changing leaves sprawled over the ground of our side yard, on Tuesday.
I wish I'd known last fall that our tree was reddening for the last time, and in the spring, singing its swan song of lush pink blossoms. I assumed it would always be there, its boughs a lovely sight from the upstairs guest room window.
Last Friday as we all made our way to Rock Hill, South Carolina, for daughter Stephanie's birthday party, we encountered many spates of stop-and-go traffic on I-77 northbound.
There were lots of Florida license plates.
But that traffic paled in comparison to what snaked along in the northbound lane as we traveled back south, several hours later.
An all-but-unbroken line of white lights, stretching for many miles.
For our latest pawty we met at Cracker Barrel in Rock Hill. I know: painfully bourgeois! Those biscuits though.
Speaking only for moi, I love breakfast for dinner. CraBar is a natural choice when you need your eggs-sausage-grits fix along with the biscuits.
And those teensy-weensy jam and preserves thingies! Joy in a flat thimble. Never mind you have to peel four of them open, in order to have a decent amount of gooey sweetness to decorate said biscuits.
Ah well. Merica.
Yes our Andrew is home safe once again, and he joined us. The two Andrews, TG, and Joel sat at one end of our pushed-together line of tables, and all the girls gathered at the other end.
Like a little Quaker dinner table. Much gabbing and laughter ensued. Festive bright Mylar balloons floated over our heads. I took pictures with my phone.
I had brought a birthday cake too, and candles, and plates/napkins/forks to use at dessert time.
Our server, Alex, was divine. He was courteous and helpful, and so friendly. He kept the beverages refreshed and brought us everything we required, even presenting the birthday girl with a free sundae.
Yes! She ate the sundae and a piece of her cake. Girl knows how to pawty down.
Our meal concluded, I presented the cake and pushed four squiggly candles into the top, and lit them. We sang to Stephanie, who then blew out the flames, looking much younger than her thirty-seven years.
Everyone passed their red pawty plates down so I could load them with slabs of white cake and buttercream icing. For my portion, I only licked the knife; there was no room for cake. Because biscuits.
Oh well; cake, as far as I know, is not leaving the planet. I'll have some next time.
Following the decimation of our store-bought dessert, it was Andrew's idea for the pawty to continue outside, on the wide country-style porch. A gaggle of presents had been patiently waiting.
And so we did. It was a beautiful night. Stephanie sat in a rocking chair and opened her gifts while the kids ran around in circles.
She received lots of lovely things and appreciated them all. A gold-tone bolo-clasp bracelet featuring a disc set with multicolored stones, a gift from her father and me, was a particular favorite.
We girls all adore trinkets and a well-stocked jewelry box.
And then it was time to fill up the vehicles once more, and head for home. Irma, down south, was churning just offshore. Nobody really knew what the next few days would bring.
In a week it will be officially autumn. How special. We have another pawty planned -- right around the corner -- just to celebrate.
I'll tell you about it when the happy memories have been made.
And that is all for now, except to say that I wish you a wonderful day.
Happy Thursday

Reader Comments (6)
I love reading of your parties. You Weber's are gifted in that regard! I would never think of continuing the party on the CB porch, but what a good idea. :) I love the bracelet you got her, love the pic of your gorgeous kids and your grandkids, who are growing by the moment! Best of all is knowing that Andrew is home. :)
Glad you are all ok, but I feel your pain on that tree!
So happy that Andrew is home again! So sorry about the tree though. :(
We lost our dogwood, not to Irma, but just up and gave it up this year.
I love how you guys get together, and make such special, happy memories. :)
Your family is the best!
Sorry about your lovely tree... But happy that you did not sustain more damage. And basically kept power.
Lovely that you all could get together for your daughter's birthday! Even while the storm, was coming....
Gentle hugs...
So very glad Andrew is home safe. I just love how your family gets together so often. I would love mine to be like that, instead of 3-4 times a year--maybe.
Sept. 17, 2017
Dear "jenny.pennifer",
I see that your handsome son, and his lovely lady, are engaged!!!!!!!!!!
Happy! Happy! Happy!
Oh mercy!!! Another cause for a Pawwwwty!!!!!!! :-))))
Gentle hugs,
Luna Crone
So glad you are all safe after that Irma made a mess of you lovely tree. Your parties are wonderful, I too love those biscuits, but cake, well, I always seem to leave room. Look at her babies growing, wow. Stay safe my friend.