A prayer for bovine intervention

Alexis Salcow
So yes, I've been working on my Christmas list. By that I mean, the list I provide to others, telling them what I want for Christmas.
Of course Christmas is commercial. What did you think? Especially going into an election year.
Ha ha. Just kidding. In our family we exchange detailed Christmas lists so I'll get what I want so that each of us will be savvy as to what the others would like to see beneath the tree with their name affixed, on Christmas Day.
The Second Line Sirloins
You know. To make dreams come true: That's our goal.
Luciano Ungulato
While you may think us unduly materialistic, do not accuse us of jumping the gun. One must prepare for events that tend to come at you like a five-hundred-ton freight train.
Chris Angus
Most years, just to be funny -- or serious -- I include some pretty pricey stuff on my list. Items I know I probably won't get, but which in my mercenary little heart, I want anyway. And I'm not ashamed to say so. You have not because you ask not.
Along with those are listed several things generally considered inexpensive -- like, poetry books or new handkerchiefs -- and some right in the middle costwise, such as perfume and (nicer costume) jewelry. Perhaps a wee something in the fine leather goods (no pun intended) category.
Veal "The Hoof" Girth
When it comes to Christmas gift wishes, the more specific, the better. I urge the provision of links to facilitate online ordering. The way I figure it, information is power. You may spend more money than strictly intended, but don't waste the precious commodity that is time.
Sabrina Scissorchew
Speaking of information: Every year, no matter what makes my Christmas list, at the tippy-top -- even trumping whirled peas -- is the (so far) unattainable: JOHNNY DEPP'S CELL PHONE NUMBER.
Patsy Cud
If you can make that one happen, I'll be forever beholden. I only want to text him.
Fanny Taurina
Not necessarily at the top, but also perennially on my list, is the new Chick-fil-A wall calendar for the coming year.
Muddy Puddles
Mine hangs, not on a wall, but by a strong magnet on the front of my black refrigerator.
Bessie Bones
The calendars are instant classics -- collectors' items, if you want to know the truth -- and this year's is especially brilliant.
See? Look. Pay special attention to March: my birth month. It's perfect for me. Also I laughed out loud at May.
Lil' Suede
If you still don't have a Chick-fil-A near you? I think that should be number one on your Christmas list.
The Jersey Moos
At any rate, here's a (somewhat early) wish that this Christmas, you get not only everything you ask for, but everything you've ever wanted.
Even Especially those things money can't buy.
Happy Monday

Reader Comments (3)
:) I love that calendar, and yes - March has Jenny written all over it! I'm sorry to tell you that I am missing out on life. Not only is there no Chick-fil-A near us, but I've never been to one! We were so excited this Spring when we heard one was coming to Holland MI, but since them there has been no word of it.... Cruel, don't you think?
I'm with you on detailed lists and links. Our family does the same. My kids are now telling me I have a week to get my list to them. Maybe I'll add Johnny Depp's number to my list too. You never know who has connections, right?
YES!! My birthday month June is perfect for me! I HAVE thrown a message in a bottle into a body of water. Plus, I'm a farm girl who grew up with many Black & White cows (Holsteins). I know not of the Chick' Fil 'A establishments either.
LOL! You crack me up, Ms Jenny! I do love the idea of lists, and we've never done that so perhaps we should start. I always laughed at my dad when I'd ask him what he'd like to have for his birthday and Christmas, his answer was always a new car. :)
Mom always gave us practical gifts like the year we all received jumper cables. So, with that in mind last year I asked Britt what they'd like; she told me a heavy duty trash/garbage can with a lid that was attached. I think she was surprised when that's what they got. LOL
I'm sure Johnny would be happy to get a text from you. Let me see what I can do. hahaha NOT!
My birthday is in March also; no wonder I like you so much.