The last full measure of devotion

This morning I made friends with a Brigadier General!
BG Bryan T. Roberts, Commanding General, United States Army Training Center and Fort Jackson.
What a splendid fellow. He is a veteran of the war in Iraq.
There was a wreath-laying and a rifle salute. Taps was played and the flag was lowered to half staff, and there were bagpipes.
Afterwards, Erica was interviewed by Clark Fouraker of WLTX.
That part was not planned. It just happened.
It was a special and memorable time.
Here's a slide show. You can watch it without doing a thing or you can double-click on it to go to SmugMug and see the pictures in slightly more elegant surroundings:
After paying our respects we went home and ate barbecue.
And we had a birthday party.
I hope your Memorial Day was special and memorable too.
Happy Monday! Happy Week!

Reader Comments (5)
Love the pictures! Looks like a wonderful day.
PS - Andy graduated from basic training at Fort Jackson!
What a memorable event for all of you! The cemetery looks so beautiful with all of those me goose bumps! And for sweet E. to be interviewed by Clark Fouraker, whose bio impresses me lots and lots. Do you reckon his nickname could be (Superman) .....just wondering? And to top it all off, barbecue and one of my most favorite things, scrumpdillyicious Birthday cake! Happy Memorial Day and Happy Birthday to E.......................G.
Your Erica is gorgeous. What a special day. Happy Birthday to the Birthday person.
Crikey, you guys get more famous every week.
Your slide shows confuse me until I realize what they are. When I first read the post I kept scrolling up and down looking for the photo of TG walking away from the camera. Then there were new photos and...ack!... I was so confuddled!
Lovely photos! It tears at my heart when I see those graves all lined up. Such devotion and love of country!
And Erica did well in her interview!