Low and inside

Sorry to have made you wait so long for this post. It's not even officially summer yet and here at Casa Weber we are immersed in pawtying summer activities to the point that I don't have time to report on all of them.
But that's no excuse. You need to know that a monster was found in my closet.
Not my clothes closet. Actually not in either of my clothes closets (because yes, I have two).
The monster was discovered (by me, more's the pity) lurking in a linen closet just outside our upstairs guest bath.
The sight of a large blackish lizard chilling on the floor of a dark, enclosed space where I store linens and also a great deal of my jewelry (because yes, I own so much jewelry that significant quantities of it is stashed amongst the bath towels), was unsettling.
It was a happy coincidence that TG was even at that moment wending his way home. I knew this because I had just talked to him.
It wouldn't be hours, but mere minutes, before I could point (from a distance) at the door behind which the thing lay, and demand request that my hero perform a bit of emergency animal control.
He caught it in a Mason jar and brought it outside where I was waiting, lest the thing get loose in the house and chase me.
Dagny had arrived for a visit by then, and began shouting ewwwwwwwww! top-of-the-lungs-ish as soon as she figured out what was going on.
Anyway. Now that the crisis has been averted and I was not found having perished (or at least been rendered unconscious) of shock and fright on the upstairs landing with a giant lizard gloating nearby, we can move on.
Outside, where lizards belong permanently, I have added a bistro set to our front porch. I hope you like it.
Our front porch is long but narrow. The chairs and table I'd put out there a few years ago were -- let's face it -- too big for the space.
Every time you wanted to walk by, you had to move one of the chairs. It wasn't working.
So those chairs and their matching table are now out back, by the pool, where they form another seating area apart from the table with the umbrella over it.
When you come to visit me, you may now sit either at that table (with a snack of course), or on the swing, or in one of two zero-gravity outdoor recliners, or in one of the aforementioned chunky chairs, which are rockers.
And we will make sure that, no matter where you choose to sit, no lizards get on you.
On the front porch however, it's a bistro set which means that's where we'll go for coffee and a chat. Maybe a hummingbird will drop by for a slurp from the feeder hanging nearby.
When dusk falls, the Edison lights I've strung on the banister will come on and we'll be able to still see one another while we swat mosquitoes.
The Edison lights decorated the cake-table area at Erica's wedding reception, and no, I haven't forgotten that I still need to tell you more about that occasion.
Let's save it for next time. I promise not to make you wait too long.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday

Reader Comments (3)
Aaagh! I would have freaked out if I found that lizard in my linens. I've been known to shriek at a spider!
I love the Edison lights. Great way to continue using them.
When I come over, I'll be sitting out back under the umbrella so I don't melt in the sun!
I am with Mari. I would have freaked out too! Glad that the animal control man got home in time.
I so love your cute Bistro table and chairs on your porch. They are a perfect size for the space. I hope that you will show us your chairs around the pool.
I had to get a new recliner for my patio last week. The old recliner split and dropped me to the patio floor when I tried to get up. It was faded by the sun anyway so Alan bought me a new one so I can sit in the sun. Stay cool down there! It is going to be 90 degrees here this weekend.
I want to know how that Lizard got in the house!!! Because if there is an opening somewhere from the outside, he or another one will get in again! A Lizard wouldn't freak me out, but if he can get in....so can a snake and that would kill me flat out with a heart seizure.!!!!!