The sweetest things are free
Little Andrew's almost-summer visit with us has come to an end.
On Saturday TG, Audrey, and I drove him to Culver's at the North Carolina line (Carowinds exit) where we met his mother -- our daughter Stephanie -- and his sisters Melanie and Allissa, and Dagny, to return the kids to their proper owners.
Also we ate Butter Burgers and Concrete Mixers.
I think everybody was ready to get back to normal, but there was a wistful feeling too, that we'd be parting once again.
That's why I take pictures.
I love it when, after the dust settles and the goodbye kisses and hugs have been shared and the fond see-you-soons have been uttered and we've each watched the other's car head -- one north and one south -- back home, the sight of these precious faces in a picture makes my throat close and that familiar prickly feeling in my nose and eyes start up, unbidden.
Sniff, grab for a tissue, dab, sigh. Feel silly. You know.
On his last evening in Columbia, we took Andrew to the park. He didn't get to play so much as pose, pretending to play. But he enjoyed it anyway.
As I told you before, I'm on a mission to get shots of all four grandchildren with their aunts and uncles on this side of the family. And it's not easy pinning some of these people down.
You may notice as you view these, that big Andrew -- Uncle Andrew, that is -- was not with us. That's because he was in Knoxville on military duty all week.
Little Andrew was crestfallen when he realized Uncle Andrew wouldn't be able to take a picture with him. Or, he was sad he didn't get to see Rambo, who went with Andrew to Tennessee and stayed with a friend.
Take your pick.
In less than two weeks we'll all be together again, to celebrate Dagny's third birthday. We'll make up for lost photo opportunities at that time and yes, you'll be required cordially invited to view the results.
But on Friday evening, we made the most of the golden hour and near-perfect weather, and got the shots.
Andrew posed with his lovely aunts Audrey and Erica, who adore him.
Chad was along, and sat for a group photo with Erica and Andrew.
Andrew posed with me and his Papaw (Audrey took that one).
Then I wanted a photo of him with his Papaw, just the two of them. There aren't enough shots like this. The word posterity looms into view but I don't choose to think of how close I and TG are to being in that category, haaahahaha.
Because none of us knows how close we are to being a memory. That's why we wring every drop of joy from every moment we're privileged to have.
As for me, taking the pictures is covering the bases in the only way I know how, for future days when my children and grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will look at them and marvel at how good we had it.
I'm reminded of the Andy Griggs song If Heaven. Partial lyric:
If Heaven was an hour, it would be twilight
When the fireflies start their dancing on the lawn
And supper's on the stove, and Mama's laughing
And everybody's working day is done.
If Heaven was a town, it would be my town
On a summer's day in nineteen eighty-five
When everything I wanted was out there waiting
And everyone I loved was still alive.
It's that last line that gets me.
After we'd taken all the pictures we had gone there to take, we set off for dinner at Chick-fil-A. Andrew ate like a field hand, right down to the last slurp of his chocolate-syrup-covered ice cream cone.
Ahhhh. To be a kid again, never having heard of a calorie or a carb.
Back home, he stayed up late tormenting playing with Rizzo and watching sports with Papaw one last time before bed.
On Saturday he wore his outfit I'd bought him on his first day here. Last year, when Allissa and Melanie stayed with me for one week each, I started the tradition of buying them an outfit. Andrew missed out on that, so this year he got an outfit plus a pair of basketball shorts he wanted, and two small toys.
One of the toys was a red car that I don't think he let go of all week. It's in his hand in most of these pictures.
It was a glorious early-June day with thousands of ice-white cumulus clouds, and the Culver's sign was blue and white against the blue and white.
Allissa and Dagny posed for one last photo, Andrew included, before we left. Melanie sometimes isn't able to cooperate and this was one of those times, but naturally she was there too.
I can't wait for Lissy's visit -- coming up soon! -- and for Melly's week, later this summer. The hotter it gets, the more we'll stay home. But that's okay; I can get the shots without leaving the property. Wait and see.
What's next? Well. I have big plans for transforming the pool area with solar lights and all sorts of other stuff before June 17th, the day of Dagny's birthday party. EVERYBODY will be here and I wish to stun with my outdoor decorating prowess.
If you know me at all, you will have recognized that as a joke. I have no talent for outdoor ANYTHING except whining about being too hot and getting bitten by mosquitoes. But we shall see what develops and directly proportionate to my level of success, I'll show you pictures of what I am able to accomplish.
At any rate, as usual I shall thank you in advance not to snicker. Give me an EA for Effort Already.
And that is all for now, except that I wish everyone a thoroughly delightful week.
Happy Monday
Reader Comments (17)
Oh my, that last line got me too and now in tears, because your little Andrew looks so much like my little Andrew, who moved away and I haven't seen in three years! There are some heartaches in life that aren't seen by others. So glad you got all those photos. One day, when you are my age, those photos will make you smile and will make you cry, but a good cry for the memories they bring back to you. XX OO.
@Judy ... I knew you'd get it. Thanks, friend. xoxo
You and your family, are all gorgeous.
It is wonderful, that they have you! To capture all these photos, which are beyond value. Golden they are!!! Worth their weight in Gold.
Gentle hugs, to you my Dear...
Thank you, Dear One, for this lovely post. I really, really needed it.
I am having a very hard time, raising myself out of "all-the-news." The Terror. The lies, about The Terror. The lies told by the Media, about our President. The number of people, who are willing to be lead by the nose, by the Purveyors of Evil and Non-Truth. Etc. Etc. Etc.
I wrote a nice post. And couldn't post it.
But what good does it do me, or anyone, to stay this way???? Why is it so hard, to surface, this time? Good grief, I have been living with Evil and Lies told, for years now.
Perhaps it is that I felt saved, by the election results. Relief! At last, someone in charge, who has my back.
But the relief didn't last long. Evil continues to walk our Beloved Country, not allowing change, to have a chance. Evil still walks the whole world.
I am getting tired.... I should just back off, and keep my health, and enjoy the older years. But my It-Isn't-Fair Nature, stands in my way. Makes me feel the Need to Inform. As if my little Information Microphone, could do much. -sigh-
Wow, a volume, disguised as a comment. :-)
Gentle hugs... Luna Crone
@Luna ... I hear you and I feel your angst. Truly I do. But I believe in eternal truths, and the real truth is, God will allow this to go on as long as He wills. Evil does not win in the end. I refuse to let what the evil ones do, destroy the time I have with those I love. I just won't do it. There are things I do differently now; I don't like crowds and honestly, if I didn't have to go out of my house at all, I'd be content to be a recluse. But that's no way to live, so I do go out, when circumstances permit, and this was one of the times we all simply chose to be happy -- because it is a choice. Don't go away, my friend! I look forward to your posts, which are all good. xoxo
Oh, Jenny.
Such a beautiful post. Yes, everyone in your family are works of art created by God through you and TG. So lovely, so close; an example of what we would all love to be and have. I loved the family time that y'all had with little Andrew. I think he enjoyed every moment just as you all did.
And, you know what? I simply cannot believe that Dagny is turning three. How can that be? I remember it was just like yesterday we were introduced to that sweet, sweet baby.
Can't wait for the birthday party, and the photos! I know it will all be splendid. :)
@Sally ... Thanks my dear and yes, Dagny about to be three is hard for any and all of us to believe, especially her mother. But you know how that is, being surrounded by your own loves and grand-loves, both grown and growing. xoxo
Oh Jenny - you really can't know how I enjoyed these pictures. And I so understand the reasons behind them. It's important to have those times and to document them so that those precious kids can look back and remember those times with family, and to know how much they mean to us. Partly I think it's important to me because all of my grandparents but one were gone by the time I was 4, and I would so love a photo of me with them or even a few memories. There will be no doubt in your grands minds how much you two love them!
@Mari ... oh dear, I didn't know you lost your grandparents so young. What a tragedy. And your precious mother too. But when I look at your pictures of the things you and Bob do with Ruby and Alaina, I always think about what it will mean to them when they're older and you both are gone, to look back and see concrete evidence of your love and devotion not only to them, but to one another. They'll know for sure what really matters. xoxo
These family photos are gorgeous Miss Jenny! But they would be nothing without all those beautiful models...
Three years old??? No way! She is just too pretty and growing like a weed.
I'll be around for the party and can't wait to see all your wonderful shots!
@Donna ... I'll share for sure! xoxo
I would say that little Andrew had the best week EVER! I love his new outfit as well. Your photography is stunning! How wonderful to photograph each child with aunts, uncles, and grandparents. It will mean a lot to them when they are older. I have one photo of me sitting on my great grandmother's lap when I was about 6 months old. I find myself staring at that photo when I get it out. I try to imagine when they were like. Thank you for sharing your work and your beautiful family.
Now I am waiting to see all the solar lights and pool-decorating you will be doing for Dagny's party! Solar lights are cheap at Walmart. $1.88 for each. Just pull the tab and stick them in the ground. It is amazing the beauty they bring into the night! :)
@Cheryl .... thanks for your kind words and thanks for that tip about the lights at Walmart! I've bought my solar string lights on Amazon but I'm always on the lookout for a good solar deal, haaaha! xoxo
Your photos are beautiful! I know that they will all be blessed by them and that they love the time that they get to spend with you guys! I cannot believe that Dagny is going to be 3 already! The time sure does fly!
@Heather ... yes it does. Amazing. She's such a BIG three-year-old too! A constant joy to us all, and she keeps us laughing. It's awesome. Thanks for stopping by. xoxo
Hello Jenny, I came by to check up on you to make sure you haven't melted in the summer heat. These family photos are treasures. Andrew is growing so fast. I especially like the swing photos - I see him clutching his new red car. Keep cool!
@Barb ... Not melted yet, although I've come close I time or two! It's awful, and July and August are ahead. I'll just think about that tomorrow. xoxo