Bring Me That Horizon

Welcome to jennyweber dot com


Home of Jenny the Pirate



Our four children


Our eight grandchildren


This will go better if you

check your expectations at the door.


We're not big on logic

but there's no shortage of irony.


 Nice is different than good.


Oh and ...

I flunked charm school.

So what.

Can't write anything.

> Jennifer <

Causing considerable consternation
to many fine folk since 1957

Pepper and me ... Seattle 1962


In The Market, As It Were




Contributor to

American Cemetery

published by Kates-Boylston

Hoist The Colors




Insist on yourself; never imitate.

Your own gift you can present

every moment

with the cumulative force

of a whole life’s cultivation;

but of the adopted talent of another

you have only an extemporaneous

half possession.

That which each can do best,

none but his Maker can teach him.

> Ralph Waldo Emerson <



The Black Velvet Coat

Belay That!

This blog does not contain and its author will not condone profanity, crude language, or verbal abuse. Commenters, you are welcome to speak your mind but do not cuss or I will delete either the word or your entire comment, depending on my mood. Continued use of bad words or inappropriate sentiments will result in the offending individual being banned, after which they'll be obliged to walk the plank. Thankee for your understanding and compliance.

> Jenny the Pirate <

A Pistol With One Shot

Ecstatically shooting everything in sight using my beloved Nikon D3100 with AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G VR kit lens and AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 G prime lens.

Also capturing outrageous beauty left and right with my Nikon D7000 blissfully married to my Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D AF prime glass. Don't be jeal.

And then there was the Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f:3.5-5.6G ED VR II zoom. We're done here.

Dying Is A Day Worth Living For

I am a taphophile

Word. Photo Jennifer Weber 2010

Great things are happening at

Find A Grave

If you don't believe me, click the pics.


Dying is a wild night

and a new road.

Emily Dickinson



When I am gone

Please remember me

 As a heartfelt laugh,

 As a tenderness.

 Hold fast to the image of me

When my soul was on fire,

The light of love shining

Through my eyes.

Remember me when I was singing

And seemed to know my way.

Remember always

When we were together

And time stood still.

Remember most not what I did,

Or who I was;

Oh please remember me

For what I always desired to be:

A smile on the face of God.

David Robert Brooks




 Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.


Keep To The Code








You Want To Find This
The Promise Of Redemption

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

So then death worketh in us, but life in you.

We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I BELIEVED, AND THEREFORE HAVE I SPOKEN; we also believe, and therefore speak;

Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.

For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

II Corinthians 4



In the dawn of the day of ages,
 In the youth of a wondrous race,
 'Twas the dreamer who saw the marvel,
 'Twas the dreamer who saw God's face.

On the mountains and in the valleys,
By the banks of the crystal stream,
He wandered whose eyes grew heavy
With the grandeur of his dream.

The seer whose grave none knoweth,
The leader who rent the sea,
The lover of men who, smiling,
Walked safe on Galilee --

All dreamed their dreams and whispered
To the weary and worn and sad
Of a vision that passeth knowledge.
They said to the world: "Be glad!

"Be glad for the words we utter,
Be glad for the dreams we dream;
Be glad, for the shadows fleeing
Shall let God's sunlight beam."

But the dreams and the dreamers vanish,
The world with its cares grows old;
The night, with the stars that gem it,
Is passing fair, but cold.

What light in the heavens shining
Shall the eye of the dreamer see?
Was the glory of old a phantom,
The wraith of a mockery?

Oh, man, with your soul that crieth
In gloom for a guiding gleam,
To you are the voices speaking
Of those who dream their dream.

If their vision be false and fleeting,
If its glory delude their sight --
Ah, well, 'tis a dream shall brighten
The long, dark hours of night.

> Edward Sims Van Zile <


Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it, have never known it again.

~ Ronald Reagan

Photo Jennifer Weber 2010

Not Without My Effects

My Compass Works Fine

The Courage Of Our Hearts




Daft Like Jack

 "I can name fingers and point names ..."

And We'll Sing It All The Time
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That Dog Is Never Going To Move


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Columbia's Finest Chihuahua



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My Tar Heel Granddog



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Andrew's Beloved Pet


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Stand for the Land

Love to see you smile! Seen in West Virginia as we traveled.

TG and I had three reasons for our recent trip to Cleveland, Ohio.

One: To attend a baseball game -- the Cleveland Guardians Indians versus our beloved Chicago Cubs.

(I will always call them the Indians. Especially since they were the team that the Cubs beat 8-7 in extra innings during the seventh game of the World Series, played at Wrigley Field on November 2, 2016.)

Two: To see our niece Joanna and her husband Jacob and their little sons, Freddy and Andrew. I shared in this post about Jacob, who is a concert pianist and professional musician; and

She adorns a corner of Riverside Cemetery

Three: To visit Lake View Cemetery, where Jacob and Joanna's second son, Noah, is laid to rest, and also to pay our respects at the grave of Ray Chapman.

Baby Noah, afflicted with Trisomy 13, lived for 42 days.

Ray Chapman is famous for being the only major league baseball player to die as a result of being hit by a pitch.

It happened during a game in New York in August of 1920. Ray Chapman, who played shortstop for the Cleveland Indians, was twenty-nine years old at the time of his passing.

Giving a new meaning to "keeping up with the Joneses"

If you're so inclined, you can read the whole story about the terrible accident that claimed Ray's life here.

And if the baseballs and other memorabilia left at his grave are any indication, he has not been forgotten.

As if what happened to Ray were not bad enough, what his wife Katie and little girl, Rae endured after his death is heartbreaking too.

Katie delivered her beloved husband Ray's daughter six months after he died, and named her Rae Marie. She later remarried and in 1926 had another child, a boy.

Me with Freddy, nearly 5, and Andrew, 17 months

But, still deeply depressed over losing Ray, she committed suicide in April of 1928. Almost exactly one year later, their daughter Rae Marie, age eight, succumbed to measles.

I learned of all this back in the spring and that's when plans were made to attend the Cubs game in Cleveland, and to visit Lake View Cemetery and to spend some time with Jacob and Joanna and the boys.

We left on a Sunday afternoon and drove to Beckley, West Virginia, where we spent the night.

The next morning we drove the rest of the way to Cleveland, where our first stop was Riverside Cemetery.

I got this book at the dollar store. It's good. Mike gave me the pen.

I didn't know anyone there, but we had a few hours to while away before checking into our hotel and then going to Jacob and Joanna's house for dinner, and the weather was splendid.

Riverside is a typically glorious older cemetery, with acres and acres of monuments. Beautiful place.

It's unfortunate that I was there at the wrong time of day, because to walk and photograph this cemetery during the golden hour (just before sunset, or just after sunrise) would be a real treat.

You need some Garnier Thiebaut towels

But it was seventy-three degrees with low humidity, and the cicadas were doing a continuous winding-ringing noise from their sticking places in thousands of mature trees, and although the light was not right, it was a near-idyllic experience.

I took lots of pictures in spite of sub-optimal conditions, but really only two appeal to me enough to show to you.

The first is an upshot of a female figure high on a pedestal, with one arm stretched heavenward and the other in an interesting position relative to the outstretched one, as if she had just released something.

Cleveland's best-kept secret

You can see in that picture how blue and cloudless the sky was.

The other is the boulder marking the grave of the Joneses. The ones who, in this case, you may or may not want to keep up with.

After checking in at the InterContinental Suites Hotel, we got reorganized and set out for our niece's home about five miles away.

The main gate of Lake View Cemetery

Cleveland is, among other things, all about the Cleveland Clinic, and buildings for that health care system are everywhere. They don't match; conceptualizing and constructing those edifices must have kept a great many architects and craftsmen busy for a good many years.

Once at Joanna's house in a cozy neighborhood where most if not all of the domiciles were built during World War II, we found Jacob grilling chicken out by the garage and the two little boys playing nearby.

Joanna, expecting again and due next February (25 in 2025! my sister crows, that being the number of grandchildren she will have when this child arrives), came out of the house smiling and reaching to hug us.

Cenotaph for the family of Eliot Ness

My niece, my sister's youngest child, is one of the most positive, happy, upbeat people you will ever meet, and she loves being a wife and mother and homemaker, and she is a gracious and thoughtful hostess.

I had not come empty handed; I had a gift for Joanna of two cobalt-blue bottles full of twinkling fairy lights, and a loaf of homemade banana-nut bread for the family, and dollar store transformer vehicles for each of the boys.

Joanna told us that she has to protect her gardens (she has more than one) with netting supported on tall sticks, or the deer that roam freely in Cleveland will eat everything!

On an August day in 1920, Ray Chapman became a statistic

But she served us delicious grilled zucchini along with the chicken, and a green salad, and for dessert there were skillet peaches (she got those from the farmer's market) with real whipped cream and chopped pecans.

We had the nicest visit, and when we left around nine, there were plans to meet the next day at Baby Noah's grave, and spend some more time together before TG and I were due at the ball game.

Our hotel was so comfortable and we settled in to look at our devices (we play word games to keep our minds sharp; not sure it's working in my case) while Forensic Files played nonstop on the TV.

In due time I took a refreshing shower. The towels! They were so thick, so fluffy, that I took pictures of the tags so that I can buy some of these for my own house.

Baby Noah is buried not far from the twisty oak

I had never had my consciousness raised to Garnier Thiebaut towels but they're on my radar now. There was a matching robe in the closet but I did not wear it!

The next morning we went to the Landmark Restaurant for breakfast. I am always looking for local non-chain diners and restaurants where I can get an omelet -- spinach and feta being my favorite -- and TG can get whatever looks good to him.

When we walked into the restaurant it was quickly apparent that we were the only white folks present. It is a large place in an old building, and other diners nodded pleasantly at us as we were seated.

I had one of the top three spinach and feta omelets I have ever been served, and the best bacon I have ever eaten, period, hands down. I even ordered a second round of that bacon.

No doubt the deer have eaten the flowers by now

When we had concluded our meal and TG had paid the bill and we were heading out for Lake View Cemetery to spend a few hours walking around before meeting Joanna and her family, TG told me that the owners of the restaurant are white.

He knew because the wife was serving as cashier and her husband was doing the cooking. All I know is, it was delicious and I would not hesitate to eat there again if I ever end up in Cleveland in the future.

At Lake View we saw the cenotaph* dedicated to Eliot Ness and his wife and son. Ness was a legendary lawman and author of The Untouchables, which was made into a 1987 Hollywood movie starring Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness.

*A cenotaph is a marker that memorializes more than one person, any or all of whom may or may not be buried there. In Ness's case, he died in 1957 and his wife and son lived until the 1970s, but the ashes of all three were scattered in a pond at Lake View Cemetery in 1997.

Little brother Andrew Sebastian

President James Garfield is also entombed at Lake View. I did not visit his impressive grave site but TG did and said it was fascinating.

After a while we drove back to the office, where I had arranged to meet with Joanna and family at two o'clock. I wanted to put flowers at Noah's grave and it was nice that there were pretty bouquets for sale in a cooler in that office.

Flowers purchased, we met our party and set out for Noah's resting place.

We had actually already found it earlier, since its coordinates are listed on Noah's Find a Grave page.

He ain't heavy; he's our brother

Joanna remarked when I placed the flowers on Noah's little headstone that the deer would only eat them. I kind of like the thought of a gentle-eyed deer bending over Noah's grave to munch on the flowers.

After a lovely time there with Noah's family, we were invited to join in their tradition of going for ice cream after a cemetery visit.

And not just any ice cream. Joanna told me that Mitchell's of Cleveland is the best. After enjoying a Taster's Duo consisting of one scoop of dark roast coffee ice cream and one scoop of lemon sorbet, I would have to concur. 

It was exceptional ice cream.

Freddy's selection featured sprinkles

After our treat, we walked outside for a bit. The little boys played under a huge silver sculpture of a hand that looks as though it's trying to walk across the ground.

After a bit it was time for us to regroup and get back to the hotel and set out for the ball park.

We said our goodbyes. Jacob and Joanna and the boys went out into the sunny day and we made our way back to our room.

TG wanted us to ride the city bus to and from Progressive Field, and since we only had to walk across the street to get on, I was okay with that.

Once at the ball park, we got into a long queue but it moved very quickly and before we knew it, they had scanned our tickets on my phone and we were inside.

A hand for the land

Upon entry to the venue we were each handed a bright pink pouch which, when I focused on it, I realized was coffee. Yay coffee!

It was in honor of the Indians' special guest that night, a young man called Machine Gun Kelly, a performer of some sort who is from Cleveland and goes by the initials MGK.

And if the design on the coffee pouch is any indication, he is also known as "The Blonde Don" but do not ask me why.

If I have ever heard of MGK it was only in passing; I know nothing about him. And if you know the pirate at all, you know this is not my kind of scene anyway.

The line was long but extra-quick

But MGK was actually there that night and I heard that he threw out the first pitch but that was when I was in line for my pretzel and a refill of my nine-dollar souvenir cup of Diet Pepsi, so I missed it.

I think he led the crowd in singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game during the seventh inning stretch too.

TG does not drink coffee so the two pouches are all mine and when I open them I'll let you know how MGK Joe rates.

Our seats were in full sun but we were early, so I got a hot dog and we both got soft drinks, and we sat in some shaded seats and I ate the excellent hot dog and was still hungry. As I said, even before the game started I went back for a pretzel and then still later, seventh inning or so, some popcorn.

I cannot resist concessions.

The big sign encourages fans to stand for the land

The Cubs not only lost in the second game of their series as guests of the Cleveland Indians, but they had lost the first game too, and would lose the third game the next night.

It's the only time this season that they have been swept. Meaning, they lost all games in a series.

Oh well. Move forward. There's still a little bit of time to make the playoffs. It may take a miracle, but there is still time. Barely.

Which is what we did when the game was over. Move forward, that is. Apparently riding the bus back to our hotel was not an option, so we called an Uber. 

We had to wait fifteen minutes but eventually our driver appeared and it wasn't long before we were again comfortably ensconced in our room.

It's coffee. That's all you need to know.

The next morning we had a ten-hour drive ahead of us and ideally we would have been on the road by nine o'clock at the latest.

But for no reason that I could ascertain, I woke up at three o'clock in the morning and was wide awake until seven. Yes I got up. Then I went back to bed. No it was not good.

So, we got on the road at eleven o'clock and bit the bullet. It was about nine that night when we got home.

It was altogether an interesting and enjoyable three-day excursion, with a lot of things packed into a short time.

Until next time, shine on, Cleveland

We took another trip this past weekend, from Friday to Sunday. I'll tell you about it in a few days.

And our next trip is coming up in a little over three weeks. This is a big one! Stay tuned.

What have you been up to? Tell me in the comments.

And that is all for now.


Happy Tuesday

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Reader Comments (15)

You packed a lot into that 3 days. It looks like a lovely cemetery to wander around in. Raymond Johnson and families story is a sad one. I went to little Noah's find a grave sight. It's always extra sad to see a tiny casket like that. Once again, we are so thankful for the knowledge of heaven!
Sorry your Cubbies lost. (And yes, it will always be the Indians!) I've never heard of the Blond Don either, hope the coffee is good. :)
You know what I've been up to! It's always good to talk to the Pirate!

August 27, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterMari

The stadium is really pretty all lit up. Having heard of MGK but not knowing who he is, I Googled him. A rapper, definitely not my thing. I'm assuming that Don is referring to a Mafia Boss. But I am very curious how the coffee will taste. I love that big hand. Quite a few famous people in this cemetery. I bet it is gorgeous.

August 27, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterGinny Hartzler

Condolences for the family reason you visited the cemetery. When I went back to Iowa after my ever so brief retirement in 2023, part of my trip was a 'cemetery photo journey' requested by my family genealogist sister who wanted gravesite photos of relatives located in three different locations. I chose one day to accomplish that and over 8 hours of driving and exploration I did just that, bringing her a wealth of photos. As for baseball, not much of a fan myself, and if I were, my local team -- Colorado Rockies -- have been and would be ongoing disappointments. At least the ice cream sounded good ;-)

August 28, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterSkunk (aka Mike Bay)

What a full adventure with lots of different bits built into it. I wholeheartedly agree that a spinach and feta omelette is the best there is; mine with browned potatoes on the side. As far as trips I have a big adventure coming up. I went to Ireland for the first time last year, which is amazing to me in hindsight since we have relatives there and I don't know why I never made it a priority in the past. My son has been there several times but my daughter has not. While there last year, one of my thoughts was that I wanted to bring my daughter there to meet everyone 'before I die.' Not that I expect to die any time soon, except that it meant that it really mattered to me that she see this beautiful place that to this day is a part of my being because of all the stories my grandmother told me when I was young. And, I want her to meet the relatives, especially those of her generation, so that the ties hopefully remain after I leave this world. So I will be flying across the Atlantic with my daughter, just her and me for a blissful time together and I already know that it will become a 'rocking chair' memory, one that I will happily pull out and think of many times in my later years.

August 28, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterMaryellen

@Mari ... YES I know what you're up to and it's all good, hahaha! So, for the past two nights the Cubbies have gone bananas on the Pittsburgh Pirates, defeating them soundly twice in a row! Unreal! If they can win today's day game then THEY will have swept the Pirates! Oh wait ... hahhahaaa xoxo

@Ginny ... Oh OK that makes sense! Such stuff and nonsense! The big hand was very cool and I'm interested to taste the coffee too! xoxo

@Mike ... That's awesome that you did that for your sister and I KNOW the time and energy involved in such a task. Yes your Rockies have had a rocky year. I think even the Cubs beat them, hahaha xoxo

@Maryellen ... well I hereby declare that you need to start a blog if for no other reason but to share the pictures and stories of your Ireland adventures, both past and future! It would be awesome! I too am Irish ... my forbears hail from County Cavan! Y'all are going to have the best time. Can't wait to hear all about it! And yes a spinach and feta omelet with browned potatoes is heaven on earth. xoxo

August 28, 2024 | Registered CommenterJennifer

You packed a lot of adventure into three days. I'm glad it was a nice trip. I've never been to Cleveland but it is on the list. I hear it is a bit of a hidden gem. Our Cubs are looking good the last few days. There is still hope. I can't wait to hear about your next adventure.

August 28, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Wow... you accomplished a lot in just three days! Had I known you were stopping in Beckley, I would have been there to greet you.:)
I spent a week in Cleveland one the Clinic. My mom has triple bypass surgery there in 1983.
The little guys are adorable. I'm so glad that you got to spend time with your niece and her family. xx

August 28, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterDianna

I am not a happy boy. For once, I wrote a longish (for me) comment, and it disappeared, never to be seen again.

August 28, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterAC

Wow! I'm not falling for the "you gotta' buy these towels" bit...I'm still slipping and sliding around in these Shadowline panties...LOLolol
And am I the only one that noticed two photos of yours aren't in their place above the captions?
On an August day...
Baby Noah is buried...
You Know I read everything! lolol
Sad about the whole Chapman family!!! Horrible!
Well, hope the coffee was good!
love 'ya

August 30, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

@Lori ... Our Cubbies swept the Pirates! Oh happy dance!!!! How about that comeback yesterday, from losing by a lot to a decisive win? So thrilling. YES do visit Cleveland. I wish we'd had more time but we will definitely go back! Not as good as Pittsburgh but then Pittsburgh is a tough act to follow, haha xoxo

@Dianna ... whaaaaat you are near Beckley? I wish I'd known that because I would have loved to see you! That would have been awesome! Ugh I hate, despise, loathe missed opportunities but you may rest assured that if we ever pass that way again (likely), I will make sure you're informed! I hope they took good care of your mom all those years ago because the clinic looks to be an impressive place. Yes it was truly a blessing to spend time with Joanna and Jacob and the boys. They love the Lord and are a precious family. xoxo

@AC ... I am so sorry. That happens to me on other websites too and I know the awful feeling. My blog has been acting dodgy FOR ME of late so I am frustrated and again I apologize. I wish I could read your long comment! xoxo

August 30, 2024 | Registered CommenterJennifer

@Donna ... I know about the pictures and I cannot do anything about it. Except complain to Squarespace, which I have done. So sorry. And just to set things straight, I at no time advised anyone to buy panties of any kind. If it were not for you I would never type the word panties into my blog ... hahaha! I said I had left my Shadowline NIGHTGOWN on the back of the bathroom door at our hotel in Cleveland. No one who has ever worn one could possibly have any complaint against a Shadowline nightie. Since we're on the subject, the only panties I recommend are Bali Skimp Skamp. I have said too much ... xoxo

August 30, 2024 | Registered CommenterJennifer

Hello, wow, what a fun full trip. :-)
As far as your Cubs... well, I think I shared before you can keep Craig. Hee Hee!! I honestly don't think he is all that great. But I might have to eat my words... we will see. Hee Hee!
Love, Carla

August 30, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterCarla TePaske

@Carla ... we shall see indeed. So far, I agree with you! But we had some late-summer hot bats so like true Cub fans, we live in hope (and likely die in despair), hahaaa! xoxo

September 3, 2024 | Registered CommenterJennifer

Looks like a fun little getaway. You did a lot.
Sorry to hear about baby Noah.

September 10, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHena

@ Hena ... Hello my friend. Thank you. yes it was sad, but he is in heaven. We will see him again. xoxo

September 10, 2024 | Registered CommenterJennifer

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