Playing Favorites :: The Flight Channel
Low, I am with you always ...
Hahaha ... the pirate is being neither sacreligious nor blasphemous.
I am aware that the second half of Matthew 28:20 goes thusly: ... and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
(The word lo in this case being an interjection, meant to call attention to what the Lord was saying.)
But since I don't fly, I like low, I am with you always.
It's a pirate play on parlance, as it were.
What on earth is she on about today, you may be thinking for the zillionth time.
Simmer down a mite and I'll tell you. Mercy.
You probably already know that Andrew's graduation from pilot training is imminent.
We've made our travel plans and are all but packed.
He'll be getting his wings before going on to the next phase of training, and I will be there to faithfully record all events relative to that auspicious occasion.
We'll be driving to Vance Air Force Base in Northwestern Oklahoma.
That's a long way; why don't you just fly? you would be justified in asking yourself at this juncture, if you are still here.
Because plane crashes.
Don't you know you're tens of thousands of times safer on a plane than in a car, you goose? you may now be sort of yelling at me.
Yeah yeah. Nope. We'll be driving.
At this point I should tell you that I have a consuming passion for aviation.
I love airplanes. I love to see them and watch them and talk about them.
I just don't want to go anywhere near one as a passenger. The last time I flew was in 2007, when we traveled to San Antonio to see Andrew graduate from Basic Military Training.
Nothing bad happened; I am still in one piece. But after that trip I said: Never again. And I meant it.
But more specifically even than with aircraft in general, I am obsessed with plane crashes.
Here's where we get to the heart of the matter.
Some of you know that my father, a retired USAF fighter pilot, perished in a plane crash near Burbank, California, on Friday, September 13, 1968.
He was thirty-seven years old.
I don't say that that seminal event in my life is the reason I am obsessed with plane crashes, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with it.
Then there is my son, who is a pilot, which terrifies me but which I have to give to God daily.
He is following his dream, and I am all for that. He is more than aware of the dangers.
Mom, the history of aviation is written in blood, he often reminds me.
Last Christmas when Andrew and Brittany and Ember came to stay a few days with us, we talked a lot about aviation in general and about air disasters in particular.
I wanted to show Andrew something on YouTube relative to that subject, and that's when I found The Flight Channel.
So intrigued and riveted was I by the content of this channel that, on New Years Day, after all of our company had left, I watched probably a dozen or more of these videos.
In fact I watched so many that I became literally depressed and had to stop watching them. I was thinking about the victims of plane crashes in my sleep.
Since then I still watch the channel, but I limit myself to a few of these videos at a time.
They are so well done that they are addictive.
Many feature actual cockpit audio and real footage and photography from crashes.
If you are afraid of flying but are obliged to fly anyway, I would not watch these. Just saying.
But if like me you are enamored of aviation and riveted by true accounts of air disasters -- I realize that sounds ghoulish but I'm really not; I'm simply curious -- you will probably love this channel.
What continually amazes TG and me -- Audrey likes these videos too; we are constantly sending one another links -- is how many people have had to die because flight and maintenance crews are careless and/or arrogant and/or ignorant and/or lazy and/or just don't know what they are doing.
Sorry, but it's the truth.
And then there are the crashes that are the result of simple human error, and of things out of anyone's control.
Any way you slice it, it's heartbreaking.
(There are videos with happy endings, too. I am always elated when that happens.)
Below I give you a taste. But beware! You may become hooked. Proceed to the runway, but do so with caution.
Happy Weekend :: Happy Flying
Reader Comments (14)
I am afraid to fly as well, and have never flown. Not to mention that right now people are freaking out on planes, causing violence and planes to turn around. I am so sorry about your father, how awful! I have not heard of this channel, but will look for it!
Flying is a necessary evil for me. I would not be able to visit my favorite destination, California, without an airplane. I actually hate riding in a car more, and that’s saying something!
I’m too chicken to tune in to that channel. But I do love to use my Plane Finder App to see who is flying over me all day. It’s fascinating. And whenever my son flies (he and his wife have been to China and Europe the past few years) I always use a plane tracker to see where they are. He had a horrific flight once over the Atlantic. Three U turns and then an emergency landing. I had no idea where he was for a number of hours. It’s a story for his grandkids someday. Congrats to your son on his fine accomplishment. And I’m so sad to hear about what happened with your father. That must have been such heartache for your family. XOOO
Jenny! What are you doing to me? I'm not a fan of heights, in fact I really dislike heights. So flying is not my favorite thing. But I'll do it occasionally. However, if I watch many of these videos, I won't be able to... Yikes!
How is it that we're fascinated by the things that scare us the most? My friend and I are fascinated by bear attacks, and if one of us reads about a recent one, it's immediately sent to the other. Of course, I live in bear territory, and I've encountered bears at close range (never attacked, thank goodness). Luckily, it doesn't keep me from enjoying the wilderness, though I'm always alert. I really don't enjoy flying. I used to fly all the time when I was younger, but nowadays just the hassle of it makes me cringe. I think your father's death by plane crash must certainly have impacted your fear of flying. I immediately noticed it also happened on Friday the 13th (my mother was so superstitious that things like that always pop out at me). How ironic that Andrew is a pilot and before that refueled planes (which looks very scary). Good for him; we don't want our hesitancy and fears to pass to our children. Have a great road trip to OK for the ceremony. Stay safe! Enjoy your time with family and take lots of photos.
I will have to look into that YouTube channel. Things like this fascinate me though I am such a reluctant flier. I am so sorry your dad perished at such a young age and in those circumstances!! The last time I flew was in September 2018 for my niece's wedding. Never again though we had smooth flights for the most part (or maybe it was the glasses of wine before the flight). One time back in 2005 my son and me were flying to Washington DC to see my mom and my sister's family. Hubby was coming the day after due to some plans he had. That morning before we flew I was reading the Bible and this passage was in my daily reading. Psalm 35:6 Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. After reading it, I felt a bit more calm about flying. I still prefer not to.
Safe driving travels!
@Ginny ,,, You have never flown? How interesting! I do not miss it at all. And yes, the behavior of folks on planes now is unbearable. I'll stay home before I will fly. xoxo
@Bijoux ... I am going to have to get me that Plane Finder App! Sounds wonderful! That's interesting that you would rather fly than ride in a car. I get it but for me of course it is exactly the opposite. How awful for your son, having that bad experience. Must have been an eye-opener for him, as I imagine any near-death experience would be. The thought of flying over water gives me the cold chills. Just, nope. YES Friday the 13th! I would not call myself superstitious but I don't really like that calendar date. Thanks for your congratulations to Andrew and I will convey them to him! xoxo
@Mari ... sorry but you did post that recipe for Flourless Marshmallow Crunch Brownies, so I'm pretty sure we are even. Haaaahahahahaa xoxo
@Barb ... I know, right? Why would I be obsessed with planes when all I want to do is admire them? I am constantly sending Andrew articles about plane crashes. He thinks I go looking for them, but I don't. Now, bears TERRIFY me and I just can't think about you out there where they are in the forest ... and yet I have thought of you out there, many times! Andrew was born to fly; what's a mom to do? Haaaha pray a lot ... and that refueling job is a skill that very few people have. He is something else! xoxo
@betty ... Interesting! My doctor (actually he's a NP) says he'd have to take Xanax in order to fly, but he has no intention of getting on a plane unless it's an emergency. That is a wonderful verse you found, although I am sad to say, it would not be enough for me. Oddly enough, the last time I flew, a flight attendant who was deadheading on the last leg of our journey sat beside me and we chatted the whole time. There was a LOT of turbulence and the fact that she ignored it, helped me to get through it. I didn't want her to know what a scaredy cat I was, haahaha! But when we landed I said, that's it for me. xoxo
I used to fly frequently, and it didn't bother me. I'm claustrophobic but after the plane started moving I was fine. But after 9/11 and all of the TSA issues, planes holding passengers for hours, I decided no more and haven't flown since. Being stuck on a plane for hours sitting on a tarmac is a nightmare for me. The longest I had to sit was maybe an hour and I thought I was going to lose my mind.
I'm so sorry you lost your father so young. My father was 42 when he died and I know how hard it is to go through life without them. Sending hugs and warm wishes for a good weekend!!
@Lori ... Yes for me too it was mostly 9/11. I flew several times between then and my last flight in 2007 but the morbid feelings were not worth it. I have never had to sit on a tarmac for any length of time that I can recall, but that would not sit well with me either. It amazes me how in my youth, I flew and never thought a thing of it. Never again! But that's okay. I can't deal with airport drama anyway. I am sorry your father died young as well. I have learned that God is good no matter what. xoxo
Seems to me I vaguely remember hearing about that Helios flight on TV. Remember Northwest Flight 255 from Metro Airport in Detroit that crashed just a few minutes after takeoff killing all but one little girl? That was pilot error. I think about that every time I fly, which is not very often! I prefer road trips when possible. I'll definitely look into that channel though! I
In my 40's, I decided to learn to fly.... Just a little plane.... Took some lessons..... Knew I would never master all needed..... My husband had always wanted to fly.....So he took all the lessons and got his license and we bought (with someone else) a Cessna, 4 seat-er, brown and white.....
Yes! Hard to believe, but back then, ordinary people with a family, could afford to do so!!!!!!!!
The lovliest time to fly was early morning, with the early sun, and mist on the fields below... -smile- But we also flew trips........He flew and I was the Navigator......We had the plane, till his eyesight began to fail......Memories...
We have flown commercial to Amsterdam, Holland... to Paris.... to the Caribbean.... to CA.... back when CA was a nice FL.... to Baltimore, for Grand Daughter's graduation...
Doubt we will ever fly again, due to *masks*. And at our age, we don't really want to go far away places, anymore.
No crash videos for me..... I figure when my time is up, it's up. -smile-
So, to each his/her own choices.
Gentle hugs,
🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸
Not a fan of flying after experiences on two trips following my 2011 hemorrhagic stroke.
The first post-stroke trip was from Atlanta, Georgia, to San Francisco. I was in that minuscule restroom working on getting my pants up one-handed when we encountered turbulence. Even holding on to the sink with one hand, I was still being bounced around like a demented ping pong ball. Finally I was able to do a quick pull then grab hold of the sink to keep from falling. After a number times succeeding in that maneuver, I was fairly presentable. Then I had to go through a similar routine to wash and dry my hands.
Fortunately, I had Hubby's help retuning to my seat. I had been gone so long he came to check on me. I had the door open, but I was hanging on to the door for dear life trying to figure out a strategy to make it safely forward to the first row of seats where I could grab a seat back.What a relief when Hubby rescued me.
The second was a flight from Atlanta to Copenhagen for a Baltic Sea cruise. No problems except getting stiff from sitting for so long. I have to do some intensive walking to avoid pain.
@Jeannette ...YES I watched the Northwest Flight 255 video the other day and was so disturbed by it! The plane was not configured correctly for takeoff because the pilots had not done their checklists! So horrible. Little Cecilia Cichan was the same age as our Audrey (still is). God bless her. Can you imagine losing your family like that? So heartbreaking xoxo
@Mari-Nanci ... I am not surprised that you and your beloved are such adventurous spirits! I think it's awesome that you were able to do all of those wonderful things. I enjoyed flying too, back in the day. I agree that the date of my death is fixed and that I have no control over that, but unless someone drugs me and puts me on board, or a plane falls out of the sky and finds me on the ground, it won't be by airplane! Haaahaha xoxo
@lc ... WOW that is a scary story! Truly. Good for you, for braving that experience and going on to fly some more. I'm all for it as long as it's not me, hahahaha xoxo
Hi Jenny,
I have flown a few times, but I never enjoyed the adventure.
I think it is fascinating your son is a pilot. I am so excited for you to share about your trip to see him get his wings.
Each time you share a photo of your son, Top Gun music comes into my head. ;-)
High Fives to him and thank him for his service.
@Carla ... my favorite part of your comment is the last word ... "praying" ... haha not kidding. I'm praying too! And Brittany has been such a trooper and continues to be, even though this process is hard on her. SO FUNNY you mention Top Gun ... Andrew and I sometimes joke "and he has a t-shirt that says it, of course" about the famous line "I was inverted" ... hahahaaa! xoxo