She's an emotional girl
I've been meaning to tell you about show you this for several weeks.
Today's the day.
It happened back in early March, when Andrew brought his family to spend my birthday weekend with us.
I told you about how, on the Saturday, we all traipsed over to Texas Roadhouse for an early supper.
What I didn't tell you is that before we left the house, there was an impromptu photo shoot.
Actually, Brittany and I had hoped and sort of planned for me to take pictures of little Ember in a certain pink dress. Which ended up not happening.
But when I saw the way Brittany had dressed the baby to go to Texas Roadhouse, I decided that I would take five minutes -- or less -- and get some quick shots of her in that outfit.
I would like to say at this juncture that I appreciate the way our Stephanie and Audrey and Brittany have always presented their children.
There has not been a time that I can remember when they were not dressed sweetly and appropriately.
And yes, even stylishly. Because there's nothing wrong with that and there's a lot right with it, if you know how to do it and still maintain decency. And we do.
As for the little girls, they have consistently been attired in a modest and feminine manner. A practice which I know will continue.
Our grandson Andrew is a regular little guy but he also likes to look sharp -- and he does, every day.
I guess you can tell that we Webers put a premium on being well groomed.
Someday when I have more time, I may tell you something about the genesis of that philosophy in my life.
But today I will simply repeat that it means a great deal to me that all five of my grandchildren have been and are being trained by their parents to put their best foot forward when it comes to wardrobe and grooming.
Rest assured, they are carefully trained in many other areas as well. You would find them delightful.
And I know that Cutie Peanut Porter will follow suit, because I know my daughter and I know Chad, and these issues are as important to them as they are to the rest of us.
In a time when it is unsettlingly likely that you will see people out and about wearing garments that look as though they were picked up off of the floor beside the bed that morning -- or worse, slept in the night before -- I think it is all the more vital that we make an effort.
If you disagree, you have a right to your opinion but that's where I stand.
At any rate, on the day in question, Ember looked impeccable and adorable as usual, just cute as a puppy, and I wanted a few pictures of her in front of my atmospheric open-window backdrop.
Which happens to be in the same colors that Ember was wearing.
She had on tiny cowboy boots and that denim jacket was the icing on an already precious and scrumptious, witty little cake.
So we took her over to the backdrop and stood her there and what you need to know here is, the part of the backdrop that curls under and lies flat on the floor, is very very very slippery to stand on.
Because it's slick plastic to begin with, and the floor underneath is smooth wood.
I couldn't do anything about that at the moment, so I asked Andrew to stand his baby daughter in place and encourage her to stay still, and I promised to work as quickly as possible, knowing that my window of opportunity was even smaller than my fifteen-month-old subject.
She stood relatively motionless long enough for me to get one good picture -- as in, the kind that I was dreaming of getting. Pure Ember, standing there looking like a great big doll.
Then she took a step and no doubt felt the fabric of the backdrop slip under her feet, and I'm pretty sure we semi-barked at her not to keep walking but to remain stationary.
Whereupon she -- ahem -- lost her composure.
Andrew gently put her back in place, but she was already over it and ended up crying pretty hard for thirty seconds to a minute.
Then Dagny stepped in. I cautioned her about the slippery situation underfoot but she gingerly stood beside her little cousin, and comforted her.
That's Dagny for you.
Ember cut the waterworks and cooperated for perhaps another sixty seconds.
It was long enough for me to capture the spirit of the whole thing.
Then she resolutely marched towards her mother and claimed a toy that was being held for her.
She was done and so were we, and within minutes we were en route to the restaurant.
Where Ember had a wonderful time, eating and hanging out with all of us.
Isn't family a miraculous thing? Events and emotions ebb and flow, and there is so much laughter and so many tears, and time passes so quickly.
If we don't stop to get the candid shots, we will wish someday that we had.
For my birthday, Andrew and Brittany gave me a framed photograph of Ember wearing that certain pink dress.
And today, Brittany sent me a picture of Ember displaying what we decided is her very best impression of an impish grin.
She smiles lots more than she cries, I am happy to report.
I hope that you do too.
And that is all for now.
Happy What's-Left-Of-Tuesday
Reader Comments (12)
What a fun post, one that really lifted my spirits. Mind you, not that I like crying toddlers, but the entire story is so much like something a child will do when you want a certain thing from them. She is so gorgeous with her big blue eyes and red hair, truly a flaming ember.
@Ginny ... Isn't she something with that red hair and those blue eyes? Her name is truly a description of her. I'm glad you enjoyed reading about her mini-meltdown and swift recovery! xoxo
I need to 'Bookmark' this post... To refer back to... When "The Grumpies" overtake me... Because who could remain "Grumpy," when looking at and reading this?????????????????????
The only perfect shot, was worth the others. -grin-
And Dangy comforting her, is pretty~dern~cute tooooo!
What a Doll Baby she is! And how precious, does her Mama, dress her, and do her hair bow.
Hair Bows on little girls!!!!!!! It is one of the Joys of my life.... Seeing them. Keeping them on the Grand Daughter I took Free Nana Day Care of for years and years. When Kate would grumble a bit, about the bow... I would simply tell her... That the bows, were my *pay* for taking care of her.
Hay, what ever works, works, hu?????
Glad you shared this. Do you have any other such possible shares, waiting in the wings? We could certainly use all the Joy we can get!!!!
And dressing children appropriately and adorably... Of course! Another one of the Joys of having little ones!!!!
Oh, and I do have my personal whims... About dressing babies. I detest those tiny overalls, they put baby boys in. Good grief! Keep babies in "onsies" as long at possible, is my view. But!!! I know! I am awfully old fashioned. And it is none of my business. You just set me off, with your post!!! LOL I am blaming you, and this is my story, and I am sticking to it. -grin-
Btw, I am totally addicted to these gently clacking keys!!!! Of my retro pink keyboard. I think I could sit here all day.... And type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which of course, is not a good thing. -smirk-
@Mari-Nanci ... I am so GLAD you got the pink retro keyboard, and that you like it! Pushing buttons is therapeutic! And I agree about keeping the wee bairns in onesies and sleepers for as long as possible. But oh the little dresses and outfits and yes HAIR BOWS (my obsession for my baby girls was bonnets ... they looked just like little flowers)! Each outfit is harder to resist than the last. And I love your "Free Nana Day Care" line ... bhaaahahaaaha! Ain't that the truth! Good for you. I'm glad you enjoyed reading about our little Ember's little hissy fit haha xoxo
How I enjoyed this post! I agree on the way people dress now. It's good to see people dressed and groomed nicely. Your grandkids always look so nice. Hair bows, little dresses, that jacket. So much fun!
Ember is just adorable, whether crying or with that impish grin. Her little ponytail makes me smile, and that red hair? What can I say - I'm partial. :)
PS - I love that backdrop.
Sweetness.. that is what I see. It makes me smile.
Thank you for sharing your family with us. We need good things to keep us sane, during insane times.
Love, Carla
@Mari ... that is my favorite backdrop too. It's just rather magical. I never thought I'd have a red-headed grandchild but I must say that I'm partial to it too, now, after the fact. It's just so much like her fiery little personality! And those blue eyes! Just dreamy. Alaina and Ruby always look very sweet and nice too! Especially their lovely hairstyles. xoxo
@Carla ... Thank YOU my friend, for stopping by. xoxo
Ember is adorbs sweetness at its best. So is Dagny. She's got a beautiful spirit and complexion too.
Don't you just love these precious moments with family? Priceless ! Great post. Looking forward to more. To brighten up a semi rainy day.
Oh she is adorable and be still my heart...that little denim jacket! So stinking cute! You did get the perfect picture too! What a good big cousin Dagny is!
@Sharon ... welcome aboard and aren't rainy days the best? Even semi-rainy. I like gloomy weather, haaahaha! And of course those granddaughters would brighten up the darkest night. xoxo
@Jeanette ... Isn't that jacket just too much? Dagny is the most loving little cousin ... so loving. Be still MY heart! xoxo
Total cuteness that put a smile on my face. Those little boots! Your Ember is going places.
@Barb ... Yes she is. What a dollbaby! xoxo